Monday, February 28, 2011

somebody pinch me

I think I might be dreaming! Just last week I tweeted that plateaus suck... because well, they do! I had gone 2 and a half weeks with only a pound lost, and even that one fluctuated from day to day. Then, the very next day I stepped on the scales and 3 pounds disappeared. Then today, 2 more have vanished! That brings the 30x30 total to... are you ready for this????

16 POUNDS! (That makes a grand total of 32 since September 2010) WHAT!?! Are you kidding me? I stepped on and off the scale multiple times today just to make sure. In January, I was excited about losing 7 and I said that I didn't expect big numbers like that every month. I lost 9 pounds in February. I'm still a little bit in shock. :)

I'm also, as of last Thursday, without a trainer... officially at least. Michael is still at the gym, and I have no doubt that he will still be as encouraging as ever, but for at least 3 weeks, I'm going to do this on my own. I'm taking applications for workout buddies though... ladies? Help! :) Seriously, I'd love to have someone to workout with!

Last night I went to the gym after DPAC for a workout. I intentionally went late so that there wouldn't be as many people there and I could set up my little crossfit set up and go to work. My workout was: 5 rounds (as fast as possible) of... 10 (25lb) kettle bell deadlifts, 10 burpees, 10 (25lb) kettle bell swings, 10 ring rows (it's like an adjusted pull up), 10 air squats, 20 v-ups, and 20 tricep pull downs. OUCH! I was sweating like a crazy person, but I finished in less than 22 minutes! Woohoo! I had to prove to myself that I could workout without Michael. It's always hard when the training wheels come off, but oh so worth it!!

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