Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Every January 1st, the vast majority of people make New Year's Resolutions. These resolutions sometimes get a bad rap, probably because most of us don't really intend to keep said resolutions... and I must admit, I'm typically one of those people.

This year will be different. This year, as of January 1st, I have 6 months until my 30th birthday (July 1st). This year I am pushing myself to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday (hence, "30x30"). In a future blog, I plan to recap the general story of the fire that was lit under my tail about 3 1/2 months ago, which lead to me joining a new gym and hiring a personal trainer. For now, I'm simply putting this out there... on the oh-so public internet so that you, my friends, are all aware of this decision. No turning back now!

The ugly facts... today I weighed in at 243 (hey, better than the 259 back in Sept...) July 1st I'll need to be 213 (or less!).

I'm more than excited about this challenge in my life. In the last few months, the Lord has already taught me so very much about discipline and taking care of the only body He gave me. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months hold!


Smoots in Boots said...

I'm looking forward to reading all about you via your blog! I'm glad your blog lives! (Although, you and I SHOULD be in bed at this ungodly hour.) Goodnight Bons, I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bonnie - I'm praying for you, and am proud in the Lord of you for what you are doing. To encourage you, I started at 240, and am now at almost 170. My "moment of truth" came because of various health problems, combined with the realization that I was not honoring God with how I treated my body. I was downright destructive. Anyway, just know that I'm cheering for you here in NYC!!!!