Thursday, February 26, 2004

Join in prayer! This Saturday and Sunday nights (Feb.28 and 29) we will be showing the Jesus film in Soweto in an area called Dlamini, where Mel and I teach on Tuesdays.

Please pray that God will work out the details with equipment, electricity, and the room where we will show the film.

Please pray that people will come to check out this film and bring their friends back to see it on Sunday.

Pray that the people who see the film will be drawn to God by His Spirit.

Please pray for our team members, that they will be bold and obedient in sharing before and after the film.

Pray for people to be willing to host Bible studies in their homes as a result of showing the Jesus film, and for a church to begin in Dlamini.

Did any of you in America see the report on the CBS evening news Sunday night (Feb. 15) about the Jesus film? It said that even though it was a box office"flop" in the U.S. several years ago, missionaries packed up the movie and took it all over the globe. The report testified to the wonderful way God has used this movie to impact a lost world.

Thank you for your prayers!

Link to pictures:

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